sábado, maio 28, 2011

Syncany: Uma alternativa ao Dropbox!

Syncany: A Great Dropbox Alternative Which Supports Multiple Storage Types ~ Web Upd8: Ubuntu / Linux blog: "Syncany is a brand new open-source file sync software (similar to Dropbox, or Sparkleshare). 'Oh no, not another Dropbox alternative' you might say. Well Syncany is different and has the chance to become better than other such applications."

Sem dúvida a explorar! A encriptação no cliente e as múltiplos pontos de destino do Backup (inclusive uma conta de GMAIL via IMAP) são muito interessantes!

segunda-feira, maio 23, 2011

Markdown ajudando a mudar-se para Linux

Excelente post sobre a mudança de Win/Mac para Linux e como utilizar Markdown para a produção de documentos:

Getting Started with Markdown: Benefits, Installation, Learning, and Conversion

I've recently adopted Markdown as a markup language for editing my blog posts. This post discusses (a) the benefits of Markdown, (b) installing a Markdown editor, (c) learning Markdown, and (d) converting between formats.